Senior Project


A note for people finding this from neocities: this is for a project by a real person. Alexander is a fictional character, I am not stupid enough to post my city and full name on a website. This is all fake.

My name is Alexander Kinoshita, and I am from Greenville, Kentucky. For people unfamiliar with it, Greenville is in Clay County. I attend Greenville High School, and I'm a school news reporter there. If you're looking for the regular school news site, I don't know how you ended up here, but this is the link to the news site.

Every senior at my high school is required to do a senior project, and this is mine.

On Thanksgiving of 2005, there were two murders in this town. Nobody was ever found guilty for these, and I've been given permission from the Principal to look into this as my senior project. If I'm being honest, I don't know if I'll find anything. I don't think I will. I'm not trying to cause trouble at all, I'm just trying to see if anything's more clear now that it's been 19 years.

This website is mainly going to be used to document my findings and make it easier for me to organise things. I'm recording voice memos on my phone that I'll transcribe onto this website in April, when I need to have this finished.

I'm not sure if I'll update this website with my final conclusion. It depends on how this goes.